Joan Rivers -- Doctors Delayed 911 Call ... According to Report

Doctors Delayed 911 Call

... According to Report


Doctors performing Joan Rivers' throat procedure delayed calling 911 for 10 minutes after she went into cardiac arrest ... according to a new report.

Dr. Lawrence Cohen from Yorkville Endoscopy and Joan's own ENT, Dr. Gwen Korovin attempted to resuscitate Rivers, but failed during the critical 10 minutes ... according to the NY Post .

The Post report says even before Joan went into cardiac arrest ... her pulse and and blood pressure were dropping quickly -- a sign she was in the danger zone -- but the doctors continued scoping her larynx and trachea.

Joan's pulse had reportedly plummeted to 47 prior to the anesthesiologist administering Propofol.

TMZ broke the story ... a federal report showed there were major problems with the amount of Propofol used on Joan.

Dr. Korovin and Dr. Cohen have not responded to reports detailing alleged errors during the procedure.