New 'Interview' Leak -- Seth Rogen Tops James Franco in Salary Dept.

Rogen Tops Franco

In Salary Dept.


Seth Rogen is top dog in the new movie "The Interview" ... scoring nearly $2 million more than his co-star James Franco, according to the latest leaks.

The budget of the movie has gone online, and it shows Seth scoring $8.4 million plus back end profits, while Franco got $6.5 mil. But Rogen was also the producer, director and writer, so maybe just for acting Franco actually did better.

Kevin Federline -- who had a cameo -- didn't fare so well. He got $5k for his work.

And this is fun. There's a line item for props ... "table of weed, coke, pills and panties." The items were budgeted at $250, but it looks like a thrifty crew member snagged the stash for $241.

The plotline is an assassination attempt against Kim Jong-un. Sony denies reports it's P.I.'s have linked North Korea to the leak, and a North Korean diplomat has just come out with a similar denial.