Jon Jones -- Swore He's a Responsible Driver ... 3 Weeks Before Crash

Swore He's a Responsible Driver

... 3 Weeks Before Crash

Jon Jones made an interesting video just 3 weeks ago ... telling his fans his days of being reckless behind the wheel were LONG OVER ... and he's a much more "mature" driver now. 

In the video, the UFC champ told his fans he was thinking about getting a brand new lightning fast Corvette ... the first fast car since he wrecked his Bentley in his 2012 DUI crash.  

"I've matured a lot since the Bentley," Jones said at the time ... "May not seem like it .. but I have people, I promise."

Just 3 weeks after the video, Jones allegedly crashed ANOTHER car and injured a pregnant woman in a hit and run incident in New Mexico. Cops say there was weed in Jones' vehicle. 

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