Erick Sermon -- Hip-Hop Is a No Bruce Jenner Zone ... That's Not Our Culture

Hip-Hop Is a No Bruce Jenner Zone

... That's Not Our Culture


Message to any transgender rappers -- do NOT follow Bruce Jenner's lead, 'cause hip-hop culture's not ready for that kinda thing ... at least according to hip-hop legend Erick Sermon.

We got Sermon -- one half of rap pioneers EPMD -- in NYC, and when we asked if hip-hop would welcome a transgender performer at this point ... he went on a rant. 

Sermon said, "They're taking the culture too far. It's just too far to be going."

You've gotta watch ... it's a bit puzzling -- Sermon criticizes Bruce for the timing of his announcement ... then applauds him for potentially helping transgenders who might be suicidal. 

As for the whole transgender rapper thing -- check out his Michael Sam metaphor.

It's complicated.

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