NeNe Leakes -- I'm on Team Porsha ... Kenya Deserved Beatdown


042014_nene_leakes_launch_v2 The battle lines have been drawn ... "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star NeNe Leakes says she's totes team Porsha Williams -- because Kenya Moore provoked her way into an attack.

NeNe was heading out at L.A.X. Saturday when our camera guy asked whose side she's on -- Porsha Williams or Kenya -- and NeNe didn't hold back.

I'm Team ...

Total Votes: 95 *Poll Results


I'm Team ...

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


As we previously reported ... Porsha and Kenya got into a full-on bitch fight last month while filming. Porsha was charged with assault and took the most glam mug shot ever while turning herself in.

So, we gotta ask ...