'Bachelor' Juan Pablo -- Who Needs 'The Bachelor'??? I'm Famous Without It



"The Bachelor" star Juan Pablo is already suffering from delusions of grandeur -- insisting he's big enough to host major nightclub events around the country ... WITHOUT mentioning his claim to fame, because that's exactly what he demanded.

TMZ has obtained the flier for Juan's upcoming club appearance at The Pool After Dark in Atlantic City on March 29th -- and NOWHERE on the flier does it mention "The Bachelor."

Looking at it, you'd think Enrique Iglesias canceled and the club was forced to hire a cheap replacement.

And it's no accident -- sources tell us, Juan specifically instructed the casino NOT to associate him with "The Bachelor" in any press releases or fliers.

And his ludicrous demands didn't end there -- we're told Juan agreed to a 15-person meet-and-greet on the condition no one asked about his reality show stint. Same rule goes for reporters looking for interviews.

Best part -- he's getting around $20,000.

Oh yeah, Nikki -- whom JP ultimately settled on by the end of the show -- will be there too. That is, if they're still together.