Andrew Garfield is blaming Oscars producers for devastating 5-year-old Batkid -- whose surprise Academy Awards appearance with the "Spider-Man" star was 86d at the last minute -- insisting he's not the one who bailed on the boy.
There are reports Garfield threw a tantrum when producers rejected the script he wrote for the presentation -- and left 5-year-old Miles Scott high and dry -- but reps for the actor tell us, it's not true.
The reps say Garfield DID contribute to the presentation script, but he had nothing to do with the segment getting yanked from the broadcast.
They say Garfield and Scott did the dress rehearsal Saturday without a hitch -- it was a real tearjerker too -- but hours later, Garfield was informed via email that the piece didn't fit with the tone of the show ... and therefore had to be cut.
To make it up to Batkid -- who was understandably bummed -- we're told Garfield accompanied him to Disneyland on Monday ... and even conducted a mini Oscars ceremony in Scott's hotel room (tuxes and all).