Oscar Gift Bag -- Celebs Get $20K Gift Certificate ... For Mind Reading Class?!



Celebrities already have money, fame and power ... but Hollywood's elite may soon have the ability to read your mind -- at least according to the woman behind one of the weirdest Oscar gifts of all time.

The Academy Awards gift bag this year contains all sorts of expensive items -- like a train ride through the Rockies and a year's worth of All-Audi A4 rentals -- but one item stands out most ... a session for mind reading techniques worth $20K.

Olessia Kantor -- who will fly out to the celebrity's location -- tells us she'll analyze their dreams/horoscopes ... and claims she can teach famous people how to read minds.

Some of her methods may sound crazy -- like daily staring exercises, thought concentration techniques and hours of mind power training -- but has a psychic ever sounded sane?

Agents of Hollywood, you've been warned.