'Wet Hot American Summer' Star -- Reunion Series is HILARIOUS ... Fans Will Be Happy

Reunion Series is HILARIOUS

... Fans Will Be Happy


021415_marguerite_moreau_launch Relax "Wet Hot American Summer" fans ... one of the main stars promises they won't pull a "Dumb and Dumber To" with the TV reboot of the summer camp classic.

Marguerite Moreau -- who played Katie in the original W.H.A.S. movie in 2001 -- was outside Urth Cafe Friday when she gushed about reuniting with her co-stars. Netflix is shooting an 8 episode series with most of the original cast ... including Amy Poehler, Bradley Cooper and Paul Rudd.

It's a cool reunion ... since most of the A-listers weren't huge stars back in 2001.

Watch Marguerite in this clip, and you'll see why the show should be worth the wait. Seriously ... who stays late at work ... voluntarily??