"Breaking Bad" is over, so Lavell Crawford has moved onto breaking blocks ... he's taken up jiujitsu.
Crawford has been training at the Gracie Barra gym in Burbank, CA where the guy best known for playing Huell recently earned a stripe for his white belt. Hey, gotta start somewhere!
The gym's owner -- Alberto Crane (standing next to Crawford in the photo above) -- tells TMZ Sports he's been impressed with Crawford so far ... saying most guys Crawford's size can't do what he does.
Crane says Crawford, who is also a standup comedian, has been keeping things light at the gym, telling us, "He is so much fun to work with. He cracks a ton of jokes, he's a real funny guy and a pleasure to have around."
As for getting his first stripe, Crane says Crawford could not have been more excited: "He was pumped up. He said he couldn't wait to brag to his son about his first stripe."