Stars and Scars -- You Be the Judge


Everyone's had it with Justin ... a little pokey time is in order. And Evander should join him after that horse punch. So we gotta ask ...

Send Justin to jail

Total Votes: 191 *Poll Results


Send Justin to jail

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Beyonce renting zoo for Ivy's BD

Total Votes: 174 *Poll Results


Beyonce renting zoo for Ivy's BD

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Evander punching preggo horse

Total Votes: 158 *Poll Results


Evander punching preggo horse

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Chris Christie

Total Votes: 148 *Poll Results


Chris Christie

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Cameron Diaz -- Leave your bush alone

Total Votes: 148 *Poll Results


Cameron Diaz -- Leave your bush alone

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Gwyneth's lemonade stand

Total Votes: 149 *Poll Results


Gwyneth's lemonade stand

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Obama's 'impromptu' lunch

Total Votes: 122 *Poll Results


Obama's 'impromptu' lunch

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


BET is anti-transgender

Total Votes: 105 *Poll Results


BET is anti-transgender

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.


Emily Blunt dropping 35K for unborn baby

Total Votes: 115 *Poll Results


Emily Blunt dropping 35K for unborn baby

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.