Alec Baldwin's Accused Stalker -- Kim Basinger's Got NOTHING On Me

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The woman accused of stalking Alec Baldwin threatened the actor ... that if he didn't pay for her to move to New York to live with him, she would wage a "massive destructive war" worse than his fight with Kim Basinger ... TMZ has learned.

Baldwin's lawyer just submitted a series of crazy emails that Genevieve Sabourin fired off to Alex from 2011 to 2012 ... in which she warns him to call the FBI, because she'll destroy him if she doesn't get what she wants.

In one email, Genevieve writes, "You when [sic] on and on, on a massive destructive war with Kim .. and it will never end between you 2. Do you wishes [sic] to establish the same type of relationship with me?"

Genevieve then lists her demands:

-- Allience in all aspect [sic]

-- a new house in NY and MTL

-- a new wardrobe, car and jewels ... all of what I need to fonction [sic]

-- the best ccm and care to upgrade and maintain my youth, health and beauty

-- travels

-- your fidelity

-- care for my mother (so I could have peace of mind)

In the emails, Genevieve promises Alec that she will "become the most sexy, beautiful and exciting women [sic] you never had."

She also tells Alec that she knows where he lives, works and hangs out ... and that she would take yoga classes with his wife Hilaria to get close to him.

Genevieve says she doesn't want to "hurt you or harm you in any way," but she does want to "straiten your ass out, because you have humiliated me for the last time."