John McCain -- iPhone Poker Downloads Skyrocket After Senator Scandal



John McCain's little iPhone poker fiasco this week had a MASSIVE ripple effect on the mobile card shark community -- a rep for John's poker game of choice tells TMZ, the company saw a huge increase in downloads after the Senator's mishap.

You'll recall, a photo surfaced Tuesday showing McCain secretly playing a game called VIP Poker during a heated Senate hearing, while John Kerry was passionately arguing about taking military action in Syria.

0904_mccain_playingAnd it apparently got people in the poker playing mood -- because a rep for TinyCo (the company behind VIP Poker) tells us, daily installations of the app increased by 30% since the incident.

The rep adds, "Senator McCain has great taste in mobile apps."

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And the Senator agrees -- we got him out in D.C. Wednesday, and he basically said Angry Birds isn't worth his time. Check the clip.

For the record, McCain supports Kerry's position, so it's not like playing a little poker during the hearing was THAT big a deal ... but we still gotta ask ...
