Yasiel Puig -- Celebrates 1-Year In Major Leagues ... The Evolution Of a Baseball Rockstar 8

July 15th, 2013

Puig Hits the Club Scene -- In a Rolls Royce!

After a blazing start on the field, Yasiel got himself a $300k ride and hit the Hollywood nighclubs looking to conquer.

July 30th, 2013

I've Got Designer Clothes Now!

After just 2 months in the majors, Yasiel upgraded his wardrobe to Hugo Boss and flaunted his new threads outside a swanky Hollywood restaurant.

August 20th, 2013

Partying Continues ... Even After Big Loss

Puig's partying habits came under fire when he hit the clubs in Miami after a big loss. But critics backed off when Magic got his back.

October 8th, 2013

Breaks $75k Camera ... Doesn't Care

After a HUGE playoff win Puig drenched a very expensive TBS camera during a live shot. Not his problem, TBS had to cover the cost.

October 24th, 2013

Crashes Random Little League Practice ... But Something's Fishy

Puig "surprised" a bunch of excited kids when he just happened to appear at a Little League practice in L.A. Something didn't seem right -- turns out, it was part of a plan to curry favor with a judge after a secret speeding arrest in Tennessee.

December 14th, 2013

Santa Puig Hits L.A. Children's Hospital.

No agenda this time -- just Puig spending quality time with sick kids during the holidays. The legend grows ...

December 28th, 2013

Puig's First Public Mug Shot

Talk about living life in the fast line ... Puig was popped doing 110 on a highway in Florida and was arrested. But it was about to get worse ...

January 7th, 2014

The Embarassing Arrest Video Surfaces

It's hard to tell which was worse, the officer yelling at Puig for driving like a maniac with his mom in the car ... or those awful pink shorts.

March 24th, 2014

Sophmore Season Kicks Off with a Bang!

No signs of slowing down ... Puig returns from Australia where the Dodgers kicked off the '14 season and immediately hits the L.A. club scene. He's now in the middle of an EPIC sophmore season. Viva El Puig.