Tyra Banks Sues -- Wigmakers Stole My Very, Very Famous Name


1001-tyra-banks-wig-gettyYou can't go slapping Tyra Banks' name willy nilly on wigs -- not without her slapping back with a massive lawsuit for 10 million dollars ... TMZ has learned.

Tyra just filed a lawsuit against 10 companies that make wigs ... and in the suit she claims they're all biting her "name, photograph, image, and identity" -- as well as her trademarks.

We don't know squat about wigs ... but did some quick research and discovered several of the companies do have Tyra's photos and Tyra inspired wigs on their websites.

A few examples: The Yaky straight[Tyra-Banks style] wig, the Tyra Banks custom lace wig #046, and our fave -- the Tyra Banks inspired human hair wig. We're guessing it's not actually TB's hair your buying ... although it does cost $300!

Tyra's lawsuit spells out just how valuable her trademark and how big a star she is -- and to prove it her IMDB profile ... all 11 pages of it ... are attached to the suit as Exhibit A.

To be fair, the suit does acknowledge Tyra is a "former supermodel."

TB is suing for an injunction to stop the sale of the infringing products -- and at least $10 million in damages.

Fun fact: Tyra's first acting credit was Jackie Ames on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" in 1995.