Mike Napoli vs. Jason Motte -- Whose Beard is Better?

Mike Napoli vs. Jason Motte

Whose Beard Is Better?

1023_world_series_beards_sox_cardinalsThe Boston Red Sox and St. Louis Cardinals are facing off on the field tonight for Game 1 of the 2013 World Series -- but the real battle is between two bearded baseballers.

Whose Beard is Better?

Total Votes: 226 *Poll Results

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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Red Sox first baseman Mike Napoli is the proud owner of this girthy World Series scruff (left) -- while Cardinals pitcher Jason Motte has his own facial field of dreams (right).

With beards like this, both teams are clear winners.

The question is...