Corey Feldman -- Orgy Rumors HURT My Sterling Reputation



Corey Feldman says he's not the orgy-obsessed maniac he's made out to be in the media ... claiming reports that he throws cocaine-fueled sex parties are not only BS, they're DESTROYING his good clean name.

Apparently, Corey was being SERIOUS when we asked him about it last night ... telling TMZ the report that burned up the web back in August detailing a crazy sex party at his L.A. home was totally bogus.

"That was made up by our competitors ... who came up with that lovely story so that they can try and hurt my reputation," Feldman told us.

Sidenote -- Didn't that story BOOST his reputation?? We're confused ...

Anyway, we asked Corey if he's becoming the next Charlie Sheen -- another comparison he didn't enjoy -- which was followed by Corey TAKING A SHOT at the Warlock.

Tread lightly Corey, that's an enemy you probably don't want to make.